Self-reliance is an awesome personal asset for any individual. This priceless asset provides mileage across a lifetime. On the other hand, lack of self-confidence can lead to a string of problems in anyone’s life. The society depends on people who radiate morale and self-confidence. Hence, without this particular element it is almost impossible to reach anywhere in life. This asset provides us with the perception of security in the mind, helping us to obtain good academic results win friends and achieve success in professional context.
Folks who are drastically in lack of self-reliance are more prone to be victims of the social anxiety syndrome. According to experts, it is the most disastrous anxiety disorder in the present times. The problem is affecting as many as 20 million people across the globe every year. The worst part is it may crop up in anyone’s life at any given stage or condition. Often it is found that the problem clubs either with alcoholism or depression or both and turns a normal human life into hell. As such, women are more prone to fall victim to this issue.

It is best to curb the issue at its earliest stages as it only gets more complicated with passage of time. At advanced level, victims suffer from panic attacks, which lead to severe mental depression at the acute level. At extreme levels, victims turn suicidal. Effective strategies on how to overcome social anxiety prove helpful to myriads of people in ways more than one. Thankfully, many helpful strategies are readily available on the internet these days. Apart from those lots of helpful literature relevant to the problem is available in print version as well.
In order to overcome the challenge of social phobia disorder, it is crucial to develop a rational outlook towards life. Nurturing unrealistic expectations only helps opening up the doors to the problem. Practicing deep breathing at least 10 minutes a day proves helpful to calm our nerves. This in turn helps to resolve the problem of social anxiety to a great extent.