The Confident Man Project
Monday, 24 August 2015
Boosting Self-Confidence to Overcome Social Phobia Disorder

Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Low Self-Esteem Adversely Affects Love & Relationship

Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Tips for Confident Men to Impress Womenfolk

Sunday, 12 July 2015
Overcoming Limited Beliefs to Conquer Social Anxiety

- I cannot be happy unless other people understand and accept me
- I need other people's approval to feel OK about myself
- I just do not get over emotional hurts
- It is wrong for me to want an attractive partner; I should just take what I can get
- Other guys are more attractive and interesting to women than me
- Beautiful women aren't interested in me and so on
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Easy Way to Gain Confidence with Attractive Women

Monday, 18 May 2015
Effective Anger Management Strategies Contribute to Success

Tuesday, 28 April 2015
The Importance of Overcoming the Problem of Controlling Mothers

As a matter of fact, a controlling mother is most likely to discourage her kids to express normal human emotions, like anger, sorrow and fear. More often than not, these mothers intrude into their children’s privacy and discouraging them to think on their own and conduct experiments.
There are – as such – myriads of symptoms to recognize a controlling and extremely authoritarian mother. In fact, a lot many of us have actually grown-up under this category of over-caring, over-protecting and over-controlling parents. There is nothing to deny the truth that growing under this category of parents invariably makes one’s childhood a dreadful experience. It is therefore more crucial to ponder upon effective, humanitarian and yet realistic solutions to overcome this challenge.
As such, effective tips to handle a controlling mother prove helpful to a large section of people across the society. First of all, one has to remember, these parents act in the bizarre way that they do because of unadulterated love and affection for their kids. They want to protect their children from the severities of the practical world. Thus, instead of being a rebel one should rather try to deal with them with compassion.
Instead of getting into long-drawn arguments with them it proves more helpful to place your logic before them. While speaking to them, look straight into their eyes during the entire phase of conversation and never shift your gaze away. One should remember that the key to overcome the policing parents is to let them realize their kids have garnered ample confidence to lead their life on their own.