There are broadly two types of people in the world, successful and unsuccessful. Now, those who are unsuccessful are so because of certain factors. One of the major causes that hold back people from achieving success is limiting beliefs. It is actually a psychological misconception, which people knowingly or unknowingly nurture in their mind. Because of this nurturing, the mind automatically gets programmed in a certain way and it starts directing our behavior accordingly. Ultimately, these misbelieves get in the way of our emotions and shape up our default response to the world.

As such, overcoming limited beliefs is a crucial aspect to be successful, on any given aspect of life. Some of the more common limiting beliefs that majority of people invariably nurture about themselves are:
- I cannot be happy unless other people understand and accept me
- I need other people's approval to feel OK about myself
- I just do not get over emotional hurts
- It is wrong for me to want an attractive partner; I should just take what I can get
- Other guys are more attractive and interesting to women than me
- Beautiful women aren't interested in me and so on
Interestingly, people not only nurture restricted beliefs about their own selves. They also cultivate the same for others as well. Most of us subconsciously believe that if we offend someone, the person will dislike me. In practical life, most of us have definitely come across situations where offending someone upfront has actually helped in winning over that person as a friend.
Another common misconception is, people will dislike ‘me’ unless I behave nice and polite all the time. The fact is, when one does not act on his or her own, chances are high that people will get bored with that individual after a certain span of time. These carefully treasured misconceptions invariably contribute to the problem of social anxiety. Getting over these restricted beliefs is the basic criteria on how to overcome social anxiety.
In order to resolve these blockades residing in the mind, one can re-frame those from a different aspect. Then one should act according to the new beliefs. In order to implement this process of change, one just requires being a little self-conscious.
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