Both marriages and long-term relationships are crucial for the life of every individual walking on the planet. These bonding are literally priceless and provide us with love, support and affirmation. However, psychologists confirm that an individual’s self-esteem has the potentiality to affect these relationships. Now, before going further it is relevant to have a clear understanding on an individual’s self-esteem.
To put it in simple words, self-esteem is actually the reflection of a person’s overall self assessment and self-appraisal. Extensive research has established that self-esteem shapes up an individual’s mental perceptions of self in one hand. On the other, it affects the range of expectations of the partner and the tone of the relationship.

People, who suffer from low self-esteem, want constant affirmation from their partners. Actually, for these folks, their low self-esteem creates pockets of doubts and insecurities. Ultimately, the individual gets deprived of the benefits that a loving relationship provides to boost low self-esteem. Human beings in general are unaware of the fact that our efforts to psychologically protect ourselves actually sabotage the very things we need. In fact, the first flame of curiosity about self is the first step towards developing a positive self-regard.
A negative review at work, losing a deal or losing a job undoubtedly provides severe blows to one’s self-confidence. People with poor self-esteem take these adversities a bit too personally and consider their partners will turn back on them because of such miseries. However, at the back of their minds they expect their partners to help them see past these difficult times. Then, these people start looking for evidences to prove what they fear are true. Thus, life becomes all the more difficult for these people.
The best way to curb all these unwanted complexities and lead a normal life is to grow your self-esteem. The first step to grow this is contributing to the development of a positive mind frame. As such, lots of helpful books and guides are readily available in the market to improve the level of self-esteem. Moreover, a large number of dependable websites have come into existence to cater to the cause as well.